Quality standards

Quality standards

the quality standards that we apply


Meet customer expectations

We mean to satisfy the needs and desires of our customers and achieve their satisfaction because our goal in the company is to achieve satisfaction in order to achieve our continuity and thus focus the overall quality on good treatment for the customer.


The internal or interim quality chain

Total Quality Management considers the existing relationships between us and our customers as a consumer and supplier relationship. The entity that executes the one stage is a consumer of what the previous stage produces and at the same time a producer or supplier of what the next stage will use. In this sense, we find that the concept of the consumer and the internal financier depends on an integrative relationship from Design stages until product implementation.


Confirm the quality

In order to achieve and ensure total quality of work within the company and at all levels and levels, it is necessary to adopt a concurrent follow-up method for all stages of the work implementation in addition to using follow-up and evaluation after completion of each time and also follow-up and final evaluation after completion of work preparation.


The human component

The human element is the real wealth in the company and it is the first means to achieve quality and excellence. On the one hand, customer satisfaction is achieved, as the overall quality management looks at the human component in the company with interest and takes into account that in the selection, appointment, qualification, training and motivation process, and enhancing the spirit of cooperation and teamwork with the workers.


The holistic view of the company

Total quality management views the company as an integrated system that works in an integrated, collaborative, and coordinated manner to achieve the goal for all of its clients, so the public interest is above all else. Success from the viewpoint of total quality management is the success of all, i.e. the company’s success in achieving its goals.



Total Quality Management produces an integrated strategy to face the future, and planning plays a prominent role in the application and success of the Total Quality Management methodology because planning leaves nothing to guess or by chance and focuses on: 

  • Where are we now ???
  • Where do we want to be ???
  • How do we get to what we want ???


Management by objectives

Total Quality Management adopts management style with goals where there is a strategic goal for the company, which is to satisfy our customers, on the basis of which top management sets strategic goals and in light of these goals, other levels define their goals.

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